Overcoming the Unseen Threat to Health. The campaign for cleaner air.

The TASKI route to improving Indoor Air Quality
The issue of outdoor air pollution is well-known. Media reports have kept this threat to human health consistently in the public eye, while governments around the world have responded with education programmes and legislation. As a result there is a clear focus on the need to control air pollution to safeguard health and the future of our planet from its impact on global warming and the environment.
In comparison, poor Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) has a much lower profile. This is partly because of its unseen nature – where the gradual build-up of contaminants expose us over time to risk in domestic, school, office, work, hospitality and healthcare environments. Conversely, these are precisely the places where we should feel at our most safe. Poor IAQ is a hidden killer, exacerbated by the concentration of pollutants from what are viewed as inert and innocuous items that are staples of our modern lifestyle, such as carpets, desks and seating. These are some of the contradictions and assumptions that have helped to obscure the impact of IAQ.

TASKI can help improve indoor air quality by focusing upon air filtration.
Good filtration = good indoor air quality
Better filtration = better indoor air quality

Dust Re-Emission and Removal Levels
The TASKI AERO 8 Plus has an excellent rating for dust re-emission levels, which translates to a 0.08% re-emission level. Regarding dust removal, this vacuum cleaner has a >79% dust pickup on carpet and a >102% dust pickup on hard flooring. Our AERO 15 Plus provides an even more efficient solution, with an excellent rating that translates to only 0.02% dust re-emission – the highest rating for vacuum cleaners. When it comes to dust removal, it provides a >79% dust pickup on carpet and a >105% dust pickup on hard flooring.

What is HEPA?
HEPA filters (High Efficiency Air Filters) can be relied on to capture tiny particles and pollutants such as pollen, even microorganisms such as bacteria and fungal spores. TASKI HEPA H13 Filters reliably filter 99.95% of all particles larger than 0.3 μm (micron).
HEPA Filters are perfect for superior indoor air quality (IAQ) in hospitals, long term care, hotels, high density offices and any space where IAQ is important.

Moving to HEPA Filters is a small low cost upgrade which makes a big difference to IAQ.

Air quality matters, with TASKI HEPA Filters we can all breathe easier

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| Haberler AnaSayfa |




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